At our last Committee Meeting, David Blair announced that he would be standing down as Club Chairman at the next AGM which is due to be held on 17th July.
David took over the reigns from Bob Winter some 18 months ago and has done an amazing job in steering the club through some very challenging times. This season we put out seven teams across different levels and age groups. This was a very ambitious programme and it is to David's credit that we achieved a high level of success on the field. Add to this playing complexity, the horrendous weather we have experienced and you might be getting a flavour of the choppy waters David has had to navigate.
Off the field has been challenging too with the organisation behind the running of our busy, bustling clubhouse and the perennial struggle to keep our finances in order which, as we watch some of our fellow step 5 clubs with their financial crises, is always going to be an on-going issue.
We are now delighted to announce that Darrell Osborne has accepted the invitation from the Executive Committee to take on the role as Chairman Designate, to be ratified at the July AGM. Darrell has served on our Committee for the past 18 months and has acquired a sound knowledge and understanding of the workings of our club. He has already proved to be a dynamic and innovative individual and we feel not only are we in safe hands but that we can look forward to even greater success in the future.